WISC-V Test Practice (FREE/DEMO)


WISC-V Test Practice (FREE/DEMO)

Practice Test for the WISC®-V Test

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children®/WISC® is used to assess intelligence in children aged 6 to 16. It consists of 16 primary and five complementary subtests. The WISC®-V assessment takes between 50 and 65 minutes to complete. The purpose of the test is to determine whether or not the child is gifted, as well as the student’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses. Visual puzzles and Figure Weights are two of the new primary subtests included in this practice test.

About this test

This test will help you to practice and prepare for Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V®) Test. It consists of total 5 multiple-choice questions.
You will be given 4 choices from which to select. The calculated score is provided upon completing the test.

1 / 5

1. Choose the 3 pieces below that combine to complete the shape above

2 / 5

2. Please select the correct answer

3 / 5

3. Please select the correct answer

4 / 5

4. Please select the correct answer

5 / 5

5. Please select the correct answer

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